LuLaRoe Key Piece #7: Print Leggings
LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge | Key Piece #7 Print Leggings
That Time I Said I'd Never Leave My House in LuLaRoe Leggings
In this video I claimed that I'd never, ever leave my house in LuLaRoe leggings. Well. People can change. After spending several months deeply entrenched in the wacky world of LuLaRoe, I've eased back on that policy - a little.
How to Leave Your House in LuLaRoe Leggings
Scenario #1: Pop of Print
When wearing LuLaRoe leggings out of your home for the sake of fashion (not an oxymoron!) it is advisable to treat the print like flair. Think accent wall, not flying unicorn wallpaper.
MappCraft | LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge | Key Piece #7 Print Leggings
Scenario #2: Namaste What?
A few seconds pursuing the OTHER "Lu-" leggings retailer will reveal a bevy of printed leg wear for triple the price of your $25 pizza pants. My point? Wear LuLaRoe to yoga. They are stretchy, comfortable and a yoga studio is among the safest spaces on the planet to wear weird printed pants without fear of ridicule.
MappCraft | LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge | Key Piece #7 Print Leggings
Scenario #3: Holiday Whimsy
Nothing says light-hearted like cherub print leggings on Valentine's Day. Just take them off before hubby gets home. Whimsical is adorable for the kindergarten class party but it's not going to earn you a new Yurman bracelet. 'Na mean?
Seriously, the holiday prints have my heart. They are cute, comfy and fun - especially when you are celebrating holidays with small children. Let's hope LuLaRoe does a better job with Valentines than it did with Christmas. This isn't a disco. All I wanted was some peppermint print leggings.
MappCraft | LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge | Key Piece #7 Print Leggings
Many thanks to LuLaRoe Cheryl Holloway for LuLaRoe Key Piece #7: Printed Leggings
If you are just joining the LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge - BACK UP!
- Read this: From Hater to Fan Girl, My LuLaRoe Capsule Challenge
- Now this: LuLaRoe Key Piece #1: Perfect Tee, Striped
- Next: LuLaRoe Key Piece #2: Julia Dress, Coral
- Another: LuLaRoe Key Piece #3: Sarah Cardigan, Heather Grey
- One more: LuLaRoe Key Piece #4 Azure Skirt, Black
- And this: LuLaRoe Key Piece #5 Julia Dress, Black and White Print
- There's more: LuLaRoe Key Piece #6 Cassie Skirt, Cheetah Print
Love LuLaRoe? On a unicorn hunt? Wonder where I scored that awesome cheetah print Cassie? Talk to me! (And dammit if you've read this far, click the little heart below!)
xoxo Jenn